Friday, September 5, 2008

Obama is man of his word about terrorists

Remember some time back during the Democrat primaries when Sen. Barrack Obama stated that he would use diplomacy and talk with terrorists without pre-conditions? Remember the flack he took for that?

Well, it seems Mr. Obama is a man of his word. No, he has not had any reported secret chats with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez or Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or North Korean Leader Kim Jung II. However, he did appear on Fox network's The Factor with Bill O'Reilly.

I can hear you rondering, " What's that got to do with Obama's word?" Well, contrary to popular American propaganda, all terrorists are not from the Middle East, they don't practice Islam, they don't all have dark skin, and they don't all hate America. Actually, some terrorists claim to love America. Some terrorists are American. Oh, they won't say they are, but their sexist, racist, bigoted, conservative, judgemental, divisive ideologies are characteristics of terrorism.

You're probably thinking Timothy McVeigh, the troubled young man who was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing. Can somebody say, Bill O'Reilly and his elitist spiel fits the criteria?

There is no bigger, bigoted, oft-leaning, divisive character with all the inalienable rights of every American citizen, save for maybe Sean Hannity, than Bill O'Reilly. Bill is not the upfront kind of terrorist. He won't come out and say it like Osama bin Laden. He projects his evil in a subtle manner. Cloaked in patriotism, he brands individuals or groups who oppose his elitist, out of touch views as un-American and traitors. He hides behind the 9-11 tradegy.
So, without question, by his mere dignified appearance on the O'Reilly Show, Obama has proved that he is a man of his word when it comes to talking with terrorists.

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