Monday, September 8, 2008

Palin Church Converts Gays

GOP presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain chose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to convert independent voters and Hillary Clinton's Pantsuit Brigade to his camp. It's early, but she may be making a dent with the Indie's. It's too early to tell how she will fair with the female group.

It seems converting is old hat for Gov. Palin. Her church,Wasilla Bible Church which is an independent or non-denominational church, is promoting a conference to convert gays and lesbians to heterosexuality through prayer. This may rival the "task from God" explanation she offered for the divine sanction of Iraq that she gave to a group of young church members.

Sarah Palin has every right to belive that God doesn't like homosexuality. She can oppose other adult women's right to reproductive rights. She can even discriminate against civil unions. But to belong to an orginazation that outright condemns personal relationships of consenting adults based on a narrowminded, bigoted, doctrine is very dangerous.

Converting gays is not a big concern for most Americans. The economy is number one. Healthcare is a strong second, even for those who do not believe the way Palin believes. Then comes national security. I don't recall any sane individuals announcing homosexuality as a threat to our domestic tranquility.

Sarah Palin is as dangerous as she is sexy. Should her membership in this church be any less troubling than Barack Obama's connection to the Universal Church of Christ under the leadership of Jeremiah Wright? Hate is hate. There is no difference in Rev. Wright's hate America speech and Palin's denomination's hate gays mantra.

Anyone and everyone that opposes equal rights to every American citizen is a danger to us all. Homosexuality is like golf. If you don't like it, don't participate. But don't spew that crap that God prefers your personal, sexual, reporductive choices over billions of others.

While Palin is at it, why doesn't she and her church convert young teen girls to safe-sex practice or abstinence? I'm sure there is something in her religious dogma that talks about the "sin" of premarital sex even for the children of goverenment officials. And getting married(especially a shotgun wedding) after the fact doesn't change the status of a bastard child.

The pray 'em straight event is sponsored by the national fundemental religious organization, Focus on the Family.

Obviously, focusing on her own family isn't what Palin has been doing lately.

Furthermore, trying to convert homosexuals to heterosexuals through prayer makes about as much sense as trying to convert Sarah Palin's daughter to virginity.

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