Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chicago kids should move if they want to live

Seven year-old Julian King was found dead in an abandoned vehicle on the west side of Chicago. He had been shot in the face.

Lately, for those of us living within an hour's drive from Chicago, it is not shocking to learn that a child has been murdered on the South or West side of the city. For the better part of almost two years, it seems criminals have taken the NO Child Left Behind mandate seriously.

At last count, more than 30 Chicago Public School kids have been killed in the past year.

But Julian's death has made national news. See, he wasn't just another happy-go-lucky Chicago kid. He was the nephew of an Oscar winning actress and rising star in the music industry, Jennifer Hudson. Sadly, Ms. Hudson's mother and brother were also found murdered a couple of days earlier.

It hurts even when God takes a child's life without any explanation. It is worse when a child's life is taken by others. It is more sad when that child's death is given more attention only because he or she may be related to a popular public figure. It is most sad when the life expectancy of a demographic is directly correlated to the neighborhood they live. Who wants to tell a child that to live a long life, you need to move? No one does, but it's a reality.

Yes, many of us may have been told to go away to college, see the world, learn a lot. But not just to make it to see your 18th birthday.

Kids in Iraq have a greater chance of living to voting age than some Chicago kids. That's because we're spending billions of dollars to protect their neighborhoods.

Make a dollar; call United Van Lines; move out. That is the key to survival.

Look at the gangsta rappers. They don't live in the hoods they rap about or depict in their videos. No, no. And they don't marry the girls in their videos either.

Not even the mayor of Chicago will admit that moving out of some parts of his city is the only way to survive, and he has been the mayor of his city longer than any other man. He works harder to maintain better relations with a sister city in Ireland than he does with certain parts of his own city.

By the way, Julian's former hometown has a ban on private citizens owning guns. Go figure.

How's that bull crap working, Mayor Daley?

Here is an interesting stat to chew on. Over 100,000 black kids will be killed in Chicago before the Cubs win a World Series.

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At October 30, 2008 at 10:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I COMPLETELY disagree. Folks must wake up and take responsibility for their present environment. I raised my son until he was 10 years old on the WEST SIDE. I am born and raised on the South Side. Just like anything else, you get out what you put into it.

Could my son go outside to play in front of the house, uh no. I took my happy behind to a nice Chicago Park District or the Lakefront where he played safely for hours on end. Did he go to public school? No. I wanted him to live. Could he lay in front of the windows to watch tv? No.

If you marry a convicted felon whom you know to be living on the edge and you bring that into your home, then what are you surprised at. Maybe you are trying a bit too hard to incense. MOVE? OR make better? There are a plethora of opportunities here in the Chi. Afterschool Matters is one of them. Accessing your library is another. Your alderman is three.
Seek and you will find your way out of the ghetto, then go back and try to clean it up.

In those areas of Chicago you speak of, (currently you can't go to the community meetings because "granma" goes home and tells her gang bang sons you were there and they blow up your car and
then she cries on tv that the police beat them all up) there are other ways to find success and ways to live comfortably.

Parents are raising derelicts because they are derelicts themselves. The cure for that? Early childhood development, holding parents, not mayors, accountable, and raising the bar far beyond class, color and creed.

Give a brotha a job.

Last I checked, Kankakee had a few derelicts in their midsts as well.

Maybe we could all put our heads together instead of suggesting that we all run the other way.

No one really is exempt no matter where you live. Gacy and Dahmer, Al Capone...Columbus...this nation was founded on violence, so when are we gonna step up??

PS, the ban on gun ownership was a secondary achievement after Mayor Daly lost an attempt to sue gun makers. Do you really need a Baretta to stop an intruder or will a 38 be just fine.

At November 4, 2008 at 12:08 PM , Blogger Donnie said...

Sad about those kids for sure, but as people can clearly see, gun control does not and has not ever worked.
Punitive justice works--or shoot back!


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