Fox News vs Any Cable Network
The same story, different spin. You decide.
Ever notice the very different spin Fox Network puts on every story? Well, here is an example.
Hi, this is Andy Coolson, welcome to ANN Right Now.
AC: We open tonight with a heart wrenching story. Thanks to one of our regular I-nosey phone camera reporters, we have some very revealing and troubling video. Be warned, this not for the weak kneed.
As you can see, Sen Obama is speaking to a crowd somewhere in Central Arkansas when he is suddenly surrounded by a large group of people wearing white robes and hoods. Some are carrying torches or what looks like burning crosses. Notice as the camera focuses on Obama, you can see the obvious concern in his eyes. But let's listen as he is speaking. Here we go. Listen carefully.
Sen Obama: "Look, let me make this clear."
AC: Now he is pointing his finger at one of them, saying, "Now, take you and your lovely family, I want you to have health care in case you suffer a severe burn on your person or white garments while you are celebrating Labor Day. Thats my plan."
AC: Wait, what was that inaudible sound from the back. Play it again John. John is our producer.
Sounds like some one yelled, "Hey, figure, you get out of here." And now Obama can be seen looking for his security.
We'll be back with more on this disturbing turn of events. Please stay tuned.
Now same story reported on Fox with Shunny Habbitty.
SH: Good even folks. We start our show tonight with some proof of a grave injustice to Americans. Thanks to one of our great American conservatives out there, we have some very troubling video. Let me warn you, you have to see this to believe it, and so do your kids. Go ahead guys, run it.
See, look at this, Sen. Barack Obama, a proven friend of terrorists is speaking about something .Then this group of fine conservative, patriotic Americans move in closer to hear what the senator is saying. Lets listen in.
Look, immediately, Obama starts pointing his finger at them saying,
"Look you idiots, you can't wear white after Labor Day. I'll make sure of that"
SH: My friends, that is unacceptable for a US senator to insult fine Americans like you and me. Is that the kind of person you want leading this country? No, it isn't.
Lets listen a lil more. Wait, there is someone yelling from the crowd. We cant be sure what he said but it sounded like the southern gentlemen said, " Honorable Sir, get bigger government out of here.
We'll be back in moment. Don't go away. There is more disgusting video. I'm Shunny Habbity. Thanks for tuning in tonight.
Labels: Fox Network, Obama, P Diddy, Sean Hannity
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