Monday, September 15, 2008

A McCain Win is Better for America

I will not vote for John McCain; I will not vote for Barack Obama. Yet, I do realize one candidate is more favorable for a more tranquil nation.

There is absolutely no difference between Barack Obama the politician and John McCain the politician. Certainly, there are subtle philosophical differences. However, outside a few issues such as women's reproductive rights, the Iraq War, national economic stimulus, or affordable health care, they are basically the same candidate.

A politician is a politician is a politician. Just as an outhouse is a stinking place regardless if it is painted Democrat blue or has Republican red aluminum siding.

All things being equal, John McCain is the better choice for America. Not the better president, but better for the domestic tranquility of the states. There is an almost certainty that we will have a presidential funeral during the next term. John McCain is old. Should he win, at his advanced age and poor health, he cannot withstand the physical and emotional toll the position will require. You don't have to be a political analyst to notice that he looks like one of the walking dead.

On the other hand, the younger Obama could probably deal with the physical demands of the office. But because of the historical implication his election would provide, it would also make him a historical target. Becoming the first black president would make him the first black president assassinated. Because the phenomena known as black on black crime knows no limit, Obama could become the first president killed by a black man. Two more footnotes for February's Black History Month. America doesn't need another John Kennedy or Malcolm X or Marcus Garvey.

So, the voting issue becomes not which politician's policies you most align, but what type of national mourning would you prefer.

McCain's demise in office under natural causes is far better for this country than an Obama funeral. Not only for the country but for his small children.

Besides, if McCain died in office, Sarah Palin would assume the office. She would be a hell of a lot better to look at than Joe Biden on a daily basis. On second thought, McCain could have picked someone who looked like Janet Reno. He deserves some credit for not doing that.

Vote for a safe America.

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At September 15, 2008 at 10:17 AM , Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

Thought provoking. The assasination of Obama is in the back of the mind of many who support him. As a African American, the possibility of him becoming president excites me. It's not that I feel that he is going to be America's savior, but it would do so much for the hope of children of color everywhere. I don't feel that either candidate will have instant solutions for all of America's problems. However, for the first time in American history, a man of color and/or woman (Palin) can become President/Vice President of the US States. Even if Obama becomes President and is killed (God forbid) It would still be a step in the right direction. Some may say that I'm not a smart voter or that I'm ill-informed, but I feel that Obama's presidency would be a big step towards having one America. I know...It's romantic, but this is what I hope for. This is what I'll pray for. Thanks.

At September 15, 2008 at 11:55 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've considered what you've said. And I'm sure you know how I feel about both candidates.

Being a southern raised black woman...racism is apparent and not hidden here on so many levels and in so many ways. I've been fearful for Obama since day 1. I don't think he or members of his family take the possibility lightly.

And many ways they (Obama and Mccain) are similar. But it's the points where they differ that give me the idea that Obama is the better choice.

Obama being a presidential target is just another sad factual chapter in the history of this country. We still can't unite as a nation and it seems that we never will.

Nice blog and great writing!!!!

At September 15, 2008 at 12:36 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting post!
That is a very original take on the presidential elections. I had never heard this argument before!

At September 15, 2008 at 12:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just stopped by after seeing you are on Beyond Left Field's friend's list. I agree with your column, but I'm going to test the waters in our governor election this year (North Carolina) and vote for the Libertarian candidate. We need a third party badly in this country. Great post!

At September 16, 2008 at 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Food for thought!


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