Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some missed white privilege

By now you have probably read and forwarded the This is Your Nation on White Privilege, by Tom Wise. It's a race baiting, Sarah Palin hating manifesto.

While it is an interesting read, Tom's personal slant is obvious.

So here are a few white privileges Tom left out:

White privilege is when a white man shoots a black man in self defense, it's called a hate crime. When a black man shoots a black man over a piece of crack, it' called the effects of poverty.

White privilege is when a white man sells a kilo of pure cocaine to a black man and it's called genocide. But when a black man takes a kilo of pure cocaine and dilutes it with chemicals to make 10 kilos of crack to sell in the black neighborhood, including to black kids, it's called entrepreneurship.

White privilege is when a white man shows up late for work, it's called being late. When a black man shows up late for work everyday, it's called CP(color people) time.

White privilege is when a white cop shoots a black man, it's called an investigation. When a black man shoots up a whole neighborhood, it's called the lingering effects of slavery.

White privilege is when a white man speaks correct English, it's called speaking English. When a black man speaks correct English, it's called "talking white."

White privilege is when you throw a party to celebrate your child's college graduation. While a black man throws an entire block party to celebrate his son's third release from prison.

White privilege is when a white man uses the term nigger, he gets fired for being a racist. When a black man uses it, he gets a $40 million contract for being the King of Comedy.

It's time to wise up America and realize that we all have a special privilege, being an American.

We are all created equal, but we're not all born equal. We can observe and embrace our differences while promoting and protecting our commonality.

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At September 16, 2008 at 5:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting point of view, Ron. Not sure I agree with all of it, but I got a good chuckle nonetheless. And you should be happy to know that although I am CWB (commenting while black), I am not doing it anonymously. LOL! ; )

Enjoy the rest of your week.


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