True story; I Found My Crown in The Crapper
Contrary to what you may think, the title was not chosen to attract attention. I found my crown in the toilet is the whole story.
It began June 7th of this year. While eating a delicious pulled-pork sandwich, I swallowed my crown. Once I realized what I had done, I quickly drank two Miller Lites to wash it down.
At my wife's urging, nice word for bitching, I went to the hospital to get an x-ray. By the way, you can't just walk into the hospital and tell them you need an x-ray. Tried that. They looked at me as if I had walked into Burger King and ordered a McFeast.
After the obligatory family history questionnaire and insurance verification, the tech took pictures of my chest. There it was, turned sideways just under my left nipple. I saw the metal post looking like a small penis, so I said, "Aw look, I am having a boy. "The tech didn't find that comment funny, either.
The doctor on call told me to just go home and it would pass in five-seven days. He also gave me a shit kit. That is a plastic sombrero looking thing that goes over the toilet for me to collect my deposit. It also included a dozen or so throat compressors. No instructions provided or necessary.
I searched daily at 6:00 am, as thoroughly as an archeologist looking through centuries-old shit for a prized artifact. After 30 days or stirring and gagging and mistaking undigested, bloated corn kernals for my tooth, I gave up.
Well, November 18 arrived. After doing my bodily business, I flushed. I flushed again. Still, one of those cling-ons wouldn't go down. I flushed a third time. Bingo.
A few minutes later, my wife screams, "Oh shit." It was one of those, "Damn, I dropped my eyeliner down the drain." type screams, so I paid little attention. Then she said, " You're not going to believe this. I found your crown."
Sure enough, there it was in the toilet. She reached in, pulled it out, and handed it to me. She's a great wife. It was intact. Beautiful. I put it in a baggie for safekeeping.
Then we laughed because just the day before, we had been haggling with our dentist about who was responsible for the cost of replacing it.
Now, I have to call him back and tell him where I found it. Five months, 11 days later.
Moral of this story, don't ever take shit for granted.
Labels: crap, crown, hospital humor, lost and found, teeth, toilet
OH MY GOSH!!! I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! We had all given up hope on that thing! But I still can't believe you are going to reuse it. It already fell out once!!! You're going to try it again. Better use stronger "crap" next time. Oh, sorry! That's what held it in for 5 months and 11 days. Ha-Ha!! Good luck!!
I have an appointment with dentist next week. He says he can sanitize it and re-glue it. So, why not. If we can clean up toxic dumps, we de-crap my crown.
This will give a whole new meaning to talking crap.
Remember,never give up hope.
This is a classic!
"Don't take shit for granted."
Way too funny, must share this over Thanksgiving Dinner...right at the table to get just the right results!
HAHAAHAH! I love it, great post
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