Obama's got it easy
Historic, yes. Precedent, yes. Difficult, no.
Much is being made of Barack Obama being the first non-white dude to be president. Unlike all the race barrier breaking heroes before him, Obama's task is much less daunting.
History is on Obama's side.
When Jackie Robinson broke the major league baseball color line, he had to be superior to most of his fellow white ballplayers in order for future black ball players to get a chance. He had to perform at or above the level of such names as Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, Stan Musial, Enos Slaughter and many more. While doing this, he had to endure threats against his life without the benefit of Secret Service protection.
Obama's timely ascension to the White House finds him with less of a task at hand. Yes, the whole world will be watching. But Obama only has to be better than the worst white president, and fortunately for him, that is the guy he is replacing.
Create one new job. He is better than Bush. Tell one less lie to the American people. He is better than Bush. Keep one less person from his administration from being federally indicted. He is bettter than Bush. Keep our troops one day less in Iraq. He is better than Bush. Spend one dollar less on that same war. He is better than Bush. Don't hire Colin Powell. He is better than Bush.
Obama doesn't have to make the All-Star team or lead his team to the Super Bowl. Basically, Obama can do absolutely nothing and he will have accomplished more than Bush.
So, Mr. First Black President, just do your best. Whatever you do will be better than our last eight years. And whatever you do, don't try to be the best black president. Just be the best president you can be.
Hopefully, history will remember you as a great president more than it will for being the first black one.
We remember Jackie Robinson because he was great. Does anyone remember(without Google's help) the first black NBA, NHL, or NFL player?
Labels: black history, Bush, Michelle Obama, olitics
Hmmm. You have a point there. Glass half full, eh?...I'm on half-empty *need more coffee*
Yep, you are right. He isn't even President yet and he's better than Dubya. He has appointed a Vice-President better than Cheney who "flunked" out of Yale and had DUI's?? Could not be true, is it??Oh my goodness...as for first blacks..did we really ever play in NHL?? I will wait patiently as you clue us! LOL!
Great post!
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