Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hey Young people, you are at work

Upon entering the establishment, the only customer service representative was on the phone. The young lady may have noticed me as I walked past her to the coffee dispenser. Then again, she may not have as she was so enthralled in her "very personal" phone conversation.

By the time I had my coffee and newspapers, she had made her way back behind the counter continuing her chat about her obvious disappointment that her boyfriend's whereabouts were unknown. "I don't really care. I ain't worried, either," she admonished the person on the other end of the phone. Meanwhile, I am standing there with money in hand. Waiting. And waiting.

Without looking at me, she glanced at my purchases and punched in the keys. Feeling invisible while waiting to hear my total, I glanced at the front page headlines. Suddenly, there was a tap on the counter, then as if I was hearing impaired, a finger directed my eyes to the green digital readout as she continued her conversation. I thought maybe I should have apologized for inconveniencing her. She stuck out her hand and took my $5 bill, made correct change, and placed it on the counter without taking her attention from her phone conversation. I gladly picked up my stuff and walked out, thinking this is why security cameras were invented. I could have committed a crime and she would not have been able to identify me.

What happen to on-the-job-training? Who is writing current customer service manuals? With the economy so bad, why don't we have more mature workers?

Something has to give. I am getting tired of young kids giving me extra attitude to go with my shake.

All I want is my order to go. I don't care about your bad experience last night. Oh, that broken fingernail, please play with it while on break and away from my food. And please tell Ray-Ray and 'nem and all of your non-purchasing posse to step away from the counter so paying customers can give you their business.

Small business owners and managers, I realize you need some time off, but if your best replacements are young, uninterested, I-am-only-here-cuz-I-need-a-new-cellphone-or-Air Force Ones, attitude having punks, I will spend my money elsewhere.

And after dealing with all that, my coffee is still not hot or fresh.

Oh, by the way Mr. Manager, I won't be filling out a customer comment card to let you know what you already know... you need to terminate half of them.

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