Sunday, September 21, 2008

We don't close churches that PREY on children

Well, it's not a big surprise, but another American church is under investigation for sexually preying on children.

Which brings the question: why do we close down and destroy child care centers at the slightest possibility of child endangerment, but allow the religious organizations that have been found guilty of committing severe child abuse to continue?

If a child in the care of a day care business so much as gets a scratch and it's not documented properly, the government can take away that business's license and impose fines. If the childcare industry had a sexual abuse scandal as we have seen in the Catholic child sex scandal, would day care centers still exist?

There are government policies for running a child care center. There is none for churches.

If an employee of a child care facility runs afoul of the law, the entire business is scrutinized. If a leader of a church sexually abuses a child or several children, the church is allowed to continue as if nothing happened, unless the church is a Former Latter Day Saints affiliate.

Why does the American government allow churches to sexually abuse our children and still exist?

The government took the right to PRAY out of school, but it didn't take the opportunity to PREY out of churches.

So much for separation of church and state.

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At September 21, 2008 at 8:22 AM , Blogger Donnie said...

Bureaucrats i.e. the hypocritical elites...they claim, "Me? No, I cannot in good faith attack the church or ask that laws be imposed to regulate them. Why that's unconstitutional!" Besides, they may lose votes. With day care centers it's about kids. They may get votes and press favor if they come across as some kind of savior of the innocents.


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