Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why, Black Women, Why?

The police blotter section of the newspaper reported that two women aged 29 and 32 were arrested for beating a third woman. The age and name of the victim was not released. The mauling took place at a Little League baseball game in front of several children, including children of all three parties involved. One of the attackers was also charged with child endangerment and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon.
The story also stated that the two women attacked the victim because she was having an affair with the 32 year-old’s husband. Without mention of race, I knew then that at least one of the women was black.
As it turns out, all three women were black, but had that information not been forthcoming, there was a dead giveaway in the story that one of the attackers was a black woman. Black women who find themselves betrayed by their men will always direct their most venomous revenge at the other woman while letting her man off the hook.
Yes, the black woman will scream, cuss, cry, and holla’ at her man. She may merely threaten to have an affair herself. She may even attempt to get him fired or burn a few of his clothes. She may even scratch his car with keys, but she will save all her physical retaliation for the other woman.
Why? The other woman did not make any promises to her. Even if it’s a best friend or relative, women don’t promise not to sleep with each other’s man. Black men make promises to love, cherish, honor, and obey their women. Should he violate those promises, he is readily forgiven.
The other woman will undoubtedly suffer forever. Long after the affair has been replaced with hugs and kisses and roses, the man is forgiven. However, the other woman is not. She is forever the home wrecker. She is accused of breaking something she never put together. She is the one who made the husband betray his wife. She is the one who will be called all the FCC-forbidden words.
Black women who have been cheated on will look upon the other woman as if she raped the man, not as the other victim who was manipulated just as easily as she was. The other woman will be attacked like a farmer would a fox caught in his chicken yard. And every time it happens, the black woman tends to act as if it’s the first time her man has done it.
The black woman who has been cheated on reacts like the parent of a bad child. She will immediately place all blame on the teacher. In most cases, the men in these situations are still like a child.
I have never understood how black women take the story from the Bible and apply it today. The story was about an adulterous woman who was about to be stoned for sleeping with a man, but there was no mention of stoning the male counterpart who was just as much an adulterer. Men have been getting away with stuff for a long, long, time.
Lawd. I am so glad I am not a black woman, or the other woman, or any woman.

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