Color doesn't matter is a big crock
It is amazing how some can take completely out of context what is so simply expressed.
For example, I wrote in an earlier blog about three black football players who had been shot and resulted in very little outrage or fanfare. One coward, anonymous idiot misconstrued and twisted my only point.
That point being that because black on black crime is so rampant in America it has become acceptable to most. Obviously the coward has not lived in a major U.S. city. Or in a small quasi-rural community like mine where blacks make up at least 50 percent of the population.
I have lived in Chicago,IL; Denver, CO; Oakland(my favorite city) and San Diego, CA. I have also visited several major cities with significant black populations. I have also studied blacks for almost 52 years. In other words, Ize know what Ize talkin' about when it comes to black on black crime.
But hey, don't take my word for it. Look up the FBI stats on same-race crime.
The turning point occurred about 40 years ago. Although I was not at the civil rights meeting back in the early 1960s, I heard about it.
It went something like this.
Leader: Look here. We must stop the white man from killing us. We must put the KKK and the government out of the killing business.
Attendee: So you mean we gots to take matters into our own hands?
Leader: That is exactly what I mean.
And from that day on, blacks began killing each other more frequently and better than white ever did. Lynchings declined exponentially.
Whereas the white man would kill blacks for wanting to learn to read, earn an honest living, go to college, own a home, or God forbid, to vote, blacks began killing each other for gym shoes, rims, an Escalade, "talking white,"or an errant glance. With the stakes set so low, it's easy to see why the death rate of blacks by blacks surpassed those of white on black deaths.
Now, some idiot dares to say color doesn't matter. It matters a lot. I spend most of my waking hours seven days a week working with black kids who would think nothing of gang jumping an innocent kid from their own hood. And for what? As I am commonly told, " Cuz the nigga was in my face."
In less than two years, almost 60 Chicago Public School students have been killed. Most of them black. In Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama's home town,why have there not been 60 marches? Yet, how many people marched in Jena, Louisiana? Need I say more?
It matters too damn much when blacks sit idly by as innocent deaths happen daily. Yet, when a white person is involved, it becomes a hate crime, a national issue. Then it's time to march and protest. If there was real concern about the proliferation of senseless black deaths, especially young black deaths, Nike, Converse, New Balance, and Adidas combined could not make enough shoes to cover the soles of the necessary marchers.
Don't ever tell me color doesn't matter. When a 13-year old black girl tells me that it was a good thing that her incarcerated favorite uncle killed a black man because if he had killed a white man he would have gotten a longer sentence, color matters.
It is sad that a child can see color matters, but adults can't or won't see it.
Labels: black on black crime, color, cowards, idiots, murder, racism